About Pastor Ransom
Reverend Lloyd Gary Ransom accepted Christ as his person Savior at 12 years of age. Since receiving Christ into his life, Christianity has been the only way of life for Ransom. Called to preach the Gospel at 19 years of age, Ransom was licensed by the New Guiding Light Missionary Baptist Church in Pasadena, California. Because of his faithfulness and obedience, God has used Ransom in a mighty way throughout the Valley of the Sun. Currently Ransom serves as Senior Pastor of Greater Progressive Christian Church and Center, Inc. As well as serving as District Overseer for the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship of Arizona.
Called to Pastor West Phoenix Progressive Baptist Church in 1990, the Lord used Ransom to increase the congregation from 40 members upon his arrival to over 1,000 in 16 years. A true financial steward, Ransom was able to move the church from an operation budget of $40,000 yearly to an operating budget that presently exceeds $9,000,000.00 annually. With tremendous growth in ministry, the church changed from West Phoenix to Greater Progressive in 1997 to represent the broader vision GOD has planned for the church.
Because of Ransom’s leadership, the church as not only grown in members, but in ministry as well. Greater Progressive meets the unmet needs of the community through Sports, Restoration, Transportation, Elementary Education, and Christian Education ministries to name a few. Not only has Ransom been committed and diligent to Greater Progressive, but has been instrumental in the continued success of the City-Wide Youth Revival held annually and support the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship. He is also an active member of the African American Christian Clergy Coalition.
Ransom possesses a Bachelor of Arts from Bishop College in Religion and Philosophy. Unlike most students, Ransom used his college experience as Treasurer and President of the Bishop College Minister Lyceum to develop and refine his leadership skills. Ransom’s drive and ambition were noted while enrolled at Bishop by nationally renowned Christian Speaker/Educator, Dr. Manuel L. Scott, Sr. as he invited Ransom to serve as Associate Minister of Youth at his church, St. John’s Missionary Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas.
Ransom’s gift and ability to organize people and events while always letting his light so shine, is evidenced by his role as a Board Member with organizations such as I.G. Homes Boys & Girls Club, the Phoenix Juneteenth Traditions, Inc. and the Phoenix Urban League Head Start.
Pastor Ransom currently resides in Phoenix with his beautiful wife, Nicole--who is beginning her own catering business.